Bond Park Master Plan

Town of Estes Park, CO

Bond Park has played a vital role in Estes Park since the town was founded in the early 1900’s. The land was first designated as a “park” in 1908 and has since served as common open space; a school playground; a site for the post office, town hall, and library; and as the cultural heart of downtown Estes Park. The park is located in the center of Estes Park’s central business district, just west of Town Hall and is bounded by Estes Park’s primary commercial street.

The master plan project for Bond Park aimed to take a well-worn park that lacked a central focus and a design, and given it a refreshed design that could accommodate not only casual use through every season, but also become a central spot to host year-round events and activities. 

Centro led on the engagement process to develop a master plan for Bond Park, which relied on a level of public involvement that had not previously been seen in the community. The resulting master plan not only delivered a new design for the park, but also considered how events could be accommodated year-round as well. As a main centerpiece, accommodations were made for a winter ice rink for the Estes Park community. Centro led the engagement process and ultimately provided recommendations on year-round activation strategies, costs of implementation, and how both redesign and ongoing programming could be funded. Construction on the park was completed on 2012, and it has since seen significant increases in use an enjoyment by locals and visitors alike.